Purchasing items wholesale is a great way to save money. Buying in wholesale is a good idea if you need a bulk amount of a single item of clothing, whether you want it for printing, tie dying, or more.
If you are looking to purchase a particular brand of wholesale t-shirts exclusively, it may be best to go through the brand’s company directly. Many big-name brands have specific criteria for purchasers to meet in order to qualify for wholesale prices. This often includes requirements that you purchase a minimum number of the same article of clothing in order to get the wholesale prices on them. Many wholesalers require very high minimums such as 100 to 500 of a particular item. There are wholesalers that offer no minimums required though they are few and far between.
If you don’t qualify, you can often find wholesale clothes for sale at various sites online. Before purchasing, it’s important to confirm that the wholesaler you choose is legitimate, and that you don’t pay in cash. You want some kind of recourse if there is a problem with your order and credit card payment offers more protection.
After you’ve made your purchase, be aware that shipping on wholesale clothing can take quite a while, up to eight weeks. If you are purchasing from an overseas wholesaler, it will almost certainly take longer to ship the clothing to you. If you’re purchasing the clothing to re-sell it, make sure you factor shipping into that final price.